Importance of rehabilitation exercises

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We don’t even think about how important the coordinated work of the fingers is until we encounter pain and stiffness in local joints. Performing elementary actions turns into torment; a person is forced to give up a normal life and experiences constant discomfort. This is comparable to the dysfunction of the sense organs or the loss of limbs.

Hands are delicate mechanisms. They have a sufficient margin of safety to last us a lifetime. But sometimes the period of work is reduced and the person is faced with severe pain, stiffness, and discomfort. The causes leading to hand diseases can be divided into two groups: 

  1. mechanical;
  2. inflammatory.

Regardless of what reasons led to pain in the joints of the fingers, the right decision is always the same: consult a specialist in a timely manner and begin complex treatment. Therapeutic gymnastics is the effective conservative method for treating diseased finger joints, as well as hand rehabilitation after surgery.

Among the tangible results of rehabilitation procedures are: 

  1. the elimination of pain and stiffness;
  2. restoration of normal joint function;
  3. improvement of the quality of everyday life.

The complexes of exercises differ depending on the nature of the injury or illness and the doctor’s prescriptions. But in general, they are aimed at:

  1. improved blood supply to the joints and ligaments;
  2. restoration of lymphatic outflows;
  3. slowing down the development of age-related changes;
  4. strengthening and relaxing the deep muscles of the body.

Hands training  restores joint mobility after the injured person has worn a brace on the wrist, or fingers (or a splint on the hand) should be carried out during the period of remission when there is no acute inflammation. Must be under the supervision of a doctor and physiotherapist.

Timely training of the wrists, the most mobile parts of the human skeleton, helps stretch and strengthen muscles, develop joints, and reduces the likelihood of unexpected dislocation. In addition, hand rehabilitation exercises improve blood circulation and lymph outflow in the right places, preventing edema formation.

Performing a complex of exercises in full will allow not only to restore the mobility of the hand after an injury of the disease. An integrated approach is an excellent way to prevent hand diseases and allow to keep the hands in order even in advanced age.