Exercises with therapeutic plasticine

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Therapeutic plasticine is another tool for restoring hand coordination and motor skills.

1. Exercise «scissors». Squeeze the wad of plasticine between your fingers.

2. Pinch grip. Use your thumb, forefinger, and middle finger to squeeze the lump of playdough.

3. Power grip. Press all of your fingers into the lump of plasticine.

4. Flat clamp. Use outstretched fingers to squeeze the lump of playdough.

5. Stretching with two fingers. Wrap a strip of plasticine around two fingers and stretch it in different directions.

6. Develop your finger. Wrap a strip of plasticine around your bent finger. And then straighten your finger, overcoming the resistance of the ring.

7. Stretching with all fingers. Wrap a strip of plasticine around your fingers, and then stretch it with all your fingers at the same time.

8. Full power grip. Crumple a wad of plasticine by pressing it into your palm with your fingers.